Page 11 - BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014
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Section 01 | Thought Leadership
Reginald Jeeves, valet to the wealthy and
“I endeavor to give satisfaction, Sir.” Jeeves proves
affected Bertie Wooster, is probably author P.
his worth on irst meeting Bertie by proffering a
G. Wodehouse’s most iconic character. Jeeves is “little preparation” in order to remedy the after-
imperturbable in the face of a crisis, resourceful and effects of a night on the town and subsequently
well-informed. He deals with his master’s needs with proves not only invaluable but infallible. This is a
BRAND suave conidence and subtly shapes events to save tough act to follow. The bigger the role a brand has
his employer from embarrassment.
in people’s lives the bigger the risk of failure. This
is particularly important when a brand extends its
Why are we talking about a ictional character in reach across product or service categories. People
the context of brands? Because the many brands do not separate out different incarnations of the
seeking to expand their roles to take a bigger share brand in the same way that a business does. Tesco’s
of our lives would do well to imitate Jeeves. People inancial and mobile phone services are just as
are willing to give brands a greater role in their much part of the experience of the Tesco brand as
lives only if they empower them, and do so without shopping at one of its stores. Do your homework
imposition or undue fanfare.
and make sure your new offering lives up to the
experience of the existing ones or it may undermine
The brands seeking to increase their inluence in the whole franchise.
this way are following in the footsteps of giants
like Apple, Amazon or Nike. These brands have “The mood will pass sir.” Jeeves sometimes takes
BE LIKE managed to extend their ecosystem so that their a dislike to one of Bertie’s latest affectations: a
products and services are integrally intertwined new mustache, vase or a pair of breeches Jeeves
with multiple aspects of our lives. Apple spans our considers suitable only for the musical hall. When
needs for entertainment, music and productivity. he does so, Jeeves manages to subtly shape his
Amazon fulills our need for convenience with master’s whims for the better. He has a clear set of
effortless one-click shopping and relevant values and sets in motion a series of actions that
purchase recommendations for stuff we never will result in a change of mind and behavior. Many
knew we wanted. Nike, with its Nike+ Fuelband, has brands could learn from his example. Rather than
transformed itself from a mere apparel brand to a simply exhorting people to buy, they need to step
companion and coach for runners.
back and consider exactly what associations and
feelings they need to change in order to get people
The assumption that having a greater share of to choose their brand.
consumer’s lives will have positive beneits for the
brand may well prove incorrect if the brand cannot To imitate Jeeves, marketers will require the same
emulate Jeeves. So, with that in mind here are three intimate understanding of people’s requirements
things brands might learn from the venerable valet.
that Jeeves has of his master’s. Brands need to
anticipate people’s needs and desires, not just
“I was given to understand that you required a respond to direct requests. If successful in doing so
valet.” Jeeves offered his services to Bertie Wooster then the brand will have established a meaningful
in the knowledge that there was a need for them. No place in people’s consciousness, one that allows it to
matter how much brands might want to be part of take a bigger share of their lives.
someone’s life, they need to make sure that there is
a real need for what they have to offer and that the
Nigel Hollis
recipient believes them capable of rendering that
service. A broad positioning that does not limit the
Chief Global Analyst
brand to a speciic category improves the brand’s
Millward Brown ability to expand its footprint in our lives.
Millward Brown is a leading global research agency specializing
in advertising effectiveness, strategic communication, media and
brand equity research. Millward Brown helps clients grow great
brands through comprehensive research-based qualitative and
quantitative solutions.
Specialist global practices include Millward Brown Digital (a
leader in digital effectiveness and intelligence), Firely Millward
Brown (our global qualitative network), a Neuroscience Practice
(using neuroscience to optimize the value of traditional research
techniques), and Millward Brown Optimor (a strategy consultancy
helping companies maximize inancial returns on brand and
marketing investments). Millward Brown operates in more
than 55 countries and is part of Kantar, WPP’s data investment
management division. Learn more at
20 BrandZM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014