Page 12 - BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014
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Section 01 | Thought Leadership
Our recent trend research highlights that, as a result All this raises the question of how brands should
of the lengthy economic crisis, deiance and anxiety respond to these new attitudes. In part, the answer
about the future are rife. Across Europe, people feel is to demonstrate their understanding of the
that they are trapped in a vicious cycle of austerity. disruptive trend and interpret and adapt their
As a result, a new dynamic is emerging: individuals messaging accordingly. For example by:
A ROUTE TO now aspire to control their own destinies. In their
efforts to do so, they are challenging and reinventing Disrupting Communication
the codes, norms, stereotypes and rules, which
now feel oppressive and seem a relection of a
failing system.
Adopting humoristic or ironic tones to denounce
This global inclination towards diversion favors a outdated models, customs, or conventions and
general wish for disruption, especially among generate “buzz.”
younger generations. In the behaviors that illustrate
these “diversion tactics” we see a desire to embrace Not being afraid to deliver a radical take on branding
change in order to rise above the daily routine, or and advertising, inspired by the casual, quirky tone
better yet, reinvent the future. As part of this trend, of Internet culture.
absurdity, irony, nonsense and cynicism are being
used as weapons of subversion. Iniltrating all layers Diverting markets’ conventions
of society and fueled by the viral power of social
networks, these attitudes are transforming the world
into a gigantic disruptive public space.
Using absurdity to prompt innovation and creativity,
which result in communications that, beyond the fun,
are truly relevant.
These tactics also include the display of more
uninhibited behaviors and inner impulses that Twisting traditional points of reference to provoke
explore and push boundaries. There is a growing
fascination for ambiguous genres, and controversial mystery, curiosity, surprise and desire.
and imaginary realms that blur the lines between
good and bad. These behaviors have become an Using new technologies to ictionalize reality and
Eric Duchamp
augment consumer experience by storytelling at
outlet through which individuals can express fears, home, in the streets, and in retail.
dislikes and desires, and as escape mechanisms they
are powerful routes to resilience.
PeclersParis Breaking free from archetypes
Exploring consumers’ new
attitudes and expectations
Taking the lead in playing with the boundaries
between traditional categories: masculine/ feminine,
nature/culture, man /machine.
Resilient behaviors Resilience is the ability to
overcome dificult times. It is today seen in the Such a blueprint will be more easily adopted by
growing promotion and celebration of personal some brands than others. Digital brands – Google,
failings: marital (divorce parties in Japan and the Apple, Nest – are the pacesetters of disruption.
USA) or professional (the “fun employment” For fashion brands, reinvention is their lifeblood
phenomenon). It aims to break the models imposed and so subversion comes as second nature, witness
by modern society (the cult of eficiency and Burberry’s high tech ‘Brit’ stores and increasingly
performance at all costs) and expose the inanity of edgy, reportage-style campaigns. Brands that are
certain norms, belief systems and preconceptions.
valued for their heritage and tradition will need to
navigate these trends with more caution, especially
Augmenting the moment There is a strong desire those that have lost consumer trust, for example
to make the most of ‘now’. Surprise, fun, happiness, inancial services brands – but even they may
humor and optimism are powerful ways to disrupt take comfort from knowing that the raison d’être
the routine and ight day-to-day stress.
of diversion and disruption is to make anything
seem possible.
Engaging in communion In a society long marked
by individualism, the viral power of social networks
is rekindling a desire for collective exchange, freed
of taboos and frontiers. Tapping into this means
creating real or digital places and symbolic
gatherings that serve as outlets for release, as
well as new forms of social cohesion.
Embracing new archetypes
The expression of
individual singularity will prompt the remodeling of PeclersParis is a unique worldwide trend forecasting, brand
traditional archetypes and socio-cultural codes. strategy and innovation agency that is expert in fashion, beauty
Some phenomena are already disrupting old
models: a new dynamic of female empowerment,
and cosmetics, home and consumer electronics products. Our
a new deinition of masculinity, new perceptions unique expertise is to decrypt socio-cultural and aesthetic trends
and translate them not only into innovative brand strategies but
of genders, new relationships with beauty and also into new products’ concepts and design. Founded in 1970.
the body.
Based in Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Munich and in 15
other countries. To learn more visit
22 BrandZM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014