Page 27 - BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014
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Section 02 | Thought Leadership

Have you ever noticed that most branded apps are The inluence of others
disappointing? Customers have. The chart below 

shows the iTunes Store ratings of several branded A second problem occurs due to the environment
fast food apps, including one from Starbucks that in which an app lives. It used to be that brands 
PARADOX: WHY gets a lot of praise from marketers. But all seem to 
be hurting their brands. The iTunes Store has an app competed mainly within their categories. 
rating scale of 1-5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 McDonald’s tried to make better burgers and market 
them more effectively than Burger King. Dunkin’ 
being the highest.
Donuts tried to outdo Krispy Kreme. By a similar 
logic, when one of the chains releases an app, you 
MAKING APPS Rating Rating since 
might think that the others should merely release
Brand all time
last update
a better one. Unfortunately, this is not the case. 
Nowadays, consumer expectations are shaped by McDonald’s 2.5 2
everyone. Google, Apple, Netlix, and Amazon set 
the bar for what a digital experience should be – Chipotle
3.5 2
USUALLY HURTS not Subway or Starbucks.
3.5 2.5

Dunkin’ Donuts
3 2.5
The company best at grasping this so far has been 
the thermostat maker Nest. Prior to its arrival, Starbucks
3.5 2
thermostat companies competed solely with one 
BRANDS AND another. Nest built an appliance for an environment 

shaped by peoples’ experiences with digital services. How can we tell? Their all-time ratings are higher 
It was smart, connected, saved money, and made than those for the most recent update. In other 
peoples’ lives easier. Google recognized this with
a $3.2 billion purchase of the company.
words, people are less happy with them now than 
HOW YOU CAN they once were. This has happened even though, 
paradoxically enough, all of them have improved 
You might argue that if apps are so dangerous, over time. Shouldn’t a less buggy app beat a buggier 
brands should avoid them entirely. We don’t think one? The answer seems to be “no.”
so. Apps are a great way to connect with your most 
passionate customers. No one downloads your app 
if they don’t love your brand. And some fast food The reason for this phenomenon is fairly 
brands create terriic apps. For example, American- straightforward. Today, we’re seeing brands trying 
to become more and more integrated into their 
based Five Guys recently evolved its app with a customers’ lives. They have many ways to do this, 
feature that enables you to reorder a recent order. and most of them are compatible with traditional 
That its in neatly with consumer expectations of
a smarter, more connected experience. Hardee’s/ marketing approaches and budgets. But some 
Carl’s Jr. also revised their app with a points system things, like apps, are different and require
a different approach. In essence, an app is
Shane Atchison
and rewards you can redeem instantly. Both a digital product, and that puts it in a speciic 
currently have 4-star ratings and many positive mental space for customers.
CEO POSSIBLE reviews from avid fans.
So what is the lesson for brands? You need to Most of the apps above were launched like 
traditional campaigns: the brands undertook a big 
Jason Burby
approach an app differently from a campaign. initial push and then made only a few small updates, 
Begin by budgeting and stafing for the long haul. mainly bug ixes. To understand the problem this 
President, Americas POSSIBLE Establish a user-centered design approach and creates, let’s start with a telling comment on
create a product development plan to improve the 
experience on an ongoing basis. Then actively listen Subway’s iTunes Store page. A user gave the app a 
to what people are saying and use that feedback to high rating, but also asked, “Upgrade coming soon?” 
She asked this because commercial apps always 
plan your next steps.
evolve to become better and more relevant to their 
users’ needs – and she has the same expectations of 
Put simply, an app is a product that lives in a world 
of smart, digital products. Treat one right, and you’ll a branded app. If you launch and leave your app, you 
make your customers happy. Treat one wrong, and violate the customer’s sense of what a digital 
product should be. Disappointment follows.
you’ll hurt your brand.

POSSIBLE is a creative agency that cares about results. We back 
up every idea with real-world insights to create work that makes a 
difference – and a measurable impact. On paper, POSSIBLE is 25 
ofices spanning ive continents. In practice, we are 1,100+ people 
offering local expertise to some of the world’s most dynamic 

brands. These include Microsoft, P & G, Starwood Hotels and 
Resorts Worldwide, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, AT&T and 
Coca-Cola. POSSIBLE is part of WPP Digital; for more information, 

52 BrandZM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014

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